Here is a page spread I just finished as a result of a free workshop offered by Monica over at
Hands and Heart! I didn't like it at first, but once I added mored detail and finishing touches, I've decided it's acceptable! Monica paints the most beautiful faces and I haven't quite captured that "finesse" yet, but I'm working at it. If you haven't checked out
Hands and Heart, you should give it a visit. Monica Zuniga has a fabulous ning site full of inspiration, free workshops and paid classes. I LOVE HANDS AND HEART!!!
I LOVE Hands & Hearts too.
ReplyDeleteI'm working on a project and was wondering how you achieved the abstract background. Can it be done with acrylic paint?
ReplyDeleteHi Sam, yes you can absolutely create a background like this with acrylics. I use Golden Fluid Acrylics, but you can use any acrylic and add a glazing medium to get more of a translucent effect (or even a little bit of water). I achieved this effect by first using a few background stamps, then layering paint, ink, stamps and gesso. The key to backgrounds like this is layer, layer, layer. I'm not sure if Monica still has the class for this painting, but it was free and she does cover backgrounds. Click on the hands and heart link and sign up. It costs you nothing and it's a wonderful place to learn new techniques, see lots of inspiration and meet other creative friends! Thanks for stopping by my blog, hope you visit again!