My style of creating art is usually not a "cut and dry" process I can complete in one day. I am all over the place, so I may sketch something one day, go on to something new....and then 2 days later go back to the first and maybe lay in some initial color....by then I'm on to something new again, come back again and add some background or collage, or more layers.....You get the picture! But someday I would really like to get to a point where I can just whip up a work of art in one day like Jani can! I'm not quite there yet!
But it's okay that I'm not quite there yet, because for me it's all about the process, the learning, the practice...So I'm okay with where I'm at right now. I know in my heart that I am capable of so much more, I just have to be patient with myself and let it happen. I am so thankful
for websites like Flickr and Youtube and Ning sites like Hands & Heart, Little Glimpses Community Studio, Willowing, Loving Mixed Media and Suzi Blu just to name a few! There is so much inspiration and talent out there!
If you are new to mixed media or art in general and want to learn more about a particular technique or style I suggest trying an online workshop. They are less expensive than others, some of the instructors even let you download the video lessons so you can have them forever. You can work at your own pace, watch the lessons as often as you want and you get the encouragement from not only the instructor, but also from the others taking the class. I have made so many new friends in the art community online and will continue to take workshops online, probably for the rest of my life!
If you have the passion for creativity, in whatever area it may be, writing, painting, poetry, woodwork etc....Make some time for PLAY....everyday! It feeds the soul and allows you (even if only for ?a moment) to forget the pressures of everyday life. It's good for
Happy creating everyone!
Your paintings are beautiful and I love the images on your jewelry they are so cute and fun.
ReplyDeleteJust to let you know your graphic is scrolling and it makes it a bit hard to read what you have written when it covers it up.