The other day, my daughter asked me to do a resin pour on a little project she had going. I ended up with a lot of resin left over, so I grabbed all sorts of odds and ends I had laying around and started experimenting with wire, tissue, foil, vintage catalogue pages, beads and jewelry findings. Anything with an edge that I could pour the resin into. The picture below is a collection of all my new little "charms" that I will eventually use in my jewelry projects.

Towards the end, when the resin was starting to get too thick to pour, I mixed in some pearl-ex pigment powders and found out it makes a really cool, faux enamel look! The little red, green and blue are the ones with the pigment mixed in. For me, this is a great discovery! Now I won't have to waste any extra resin, because with the pigments mixed in, you don't have to worry about getting any bubbles out. Ordinarily, for a clear, topcoat pour, you have a fairly short working time to be able to use a torch and release bubbles so its perfectly clear. This new discovery has got me thinking about all sorts of new ideas!
The night I did this, I couldn't sleep a wink because my brain wouldn't stop spewing ideas that I want to try. I hate it when that happens, but I also love it, because it opens up the floodgates for all sorts of renewed inspiration.
So if you are stuck in a rut, or creatively blocked, or just need a change, try something new that you haven't tried before with your existing art supplies!