Saturday, November 29, 2014

Weebly Website: My new, revamped website!

I just finished working on my new Weebly Website!

I don't know about other free website builders, but building my site with Weebly has been pretty straight forward and easy.  Weebly makes it simple with a drag and drop interface, and if you use one of their templates, it's really a no brainer!

You can even have your own storefront.  I just used my paypal account to link it to, but there are other Ecommerce options as well.

I kept mine pretty simple, but there are a lot of themes you can choose from.  You can also choose to use a third party template, but that involves a little more work.

Now I need to learn how to get my website seen!  That's a whole other story.  I will need some more time to research SEO (search engine optimization) and whatever else is involved in getting a webiste to come up in peoples searches.

I would love to get feedback from anyone who can find the time to navigate my site.  I need to know if it's easy to use, or if I need to tweak anything to make it a better experience.

And last but not least, if you think my website is worth sharing I would love if you would share with your family and friends!

Let me know what you think! I would be happy to return the favor!
