Copy this code to your website to display this banner!
This is one of the badges I made for my Art Play Today Blog. It was a no brainer! I went to a great little website called
MyBannermaker.com. Making a badge at this website was a lot of fun. First you can choose your size of banner, badge or button you want to make, then you upload your image (as a background), or you can just choose a color or gradient). Next you type in your text and they have some really nice fonts to choose from. You can position your text wherever you want it and you can also add special effects, such as glitter, blinking text, color overlays, black and white etc....The last step is to type the URL that you want your banner to link to and save it. You can then copy the html code for your new badge, or download it to your computer.
For my blog badge I chose to have the html code show in a box below it. This is so followers like you can copy the code and paste it into their own blog sidebar. If someone pastes my badge on their blog I (and most other bloggers) will most likely reciprocate and post your badge to my blog as well!)
Why have a badge you ask? An attractive badge will send more traffic to your site, allowing others who share your interests to check out your blog! I know for myself, when I see a cool badge (I'm always attracted to the image) I want to see more of that persons work, so I click on it and find great blogs, make new friends and discover fun tutorials, techniques, tips and advice!
To put someone else's badge (like mine, hint, hint...) on your blog you simply copy the html code in the box below the badge and then, in your blog you click Design, Add a Gadget, select the HTML/Java Script Gadget and in the Content Box paste the code and save! That's it! Easy Peezy!
Here is another example of a badge I made today, while refreshing my memory on how it is done!

Copy this code to your website to display this banner!
The only downside to using this website is that you can't remove their link at the bottom, but that's fine by me!
Let me know if you'd like to exchange badges at any time! I'd be happy to!