Thursday, March 29, 2012

Job Shadowers

Yesterday was Job Shadow day at my daughters Jr. High School. She couldn't find a professional singer to shadow, so she wanted to shadow me as a "professional artist"...kind of funny, I don't come anywhere near making enough money to call myself a "professional" artist, but I went with it anyway. We had a good time with an artist friend of mine and her two daughters.
These are pictures of them working on their art projects together...the first project was a chalk drawing on black construction paper, then washed with a black acrylic/water mix. The line drawing itself is done with Elmer's glue, so that when the glue is dry the black paper shows through and the chalk won't stick to those parts...the wash just gives the art an antiqued feel.

The second project was really cool. My friend had 3 really long cardboard tubes that her canvas fabric came on (like a really long and sturdy toilet paper roll). They researched some design ideas and painted them like those Australian didgeridoo things. They didn't have time to finish those, but they were well on their way, and they looked fabulous!

All in all, we had a great time together!  I still can't believe my "baby" is old enough to be thinking about careers all ready.  Yikes...seems like just yesterday she was babbling away with her cute little baby talk, lol...Fun Times!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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